Critical Teacher Shortage in Portugal: Fenprof Raises Alarm as Schools Reopen
Executive Digest2 weeks ago

Critical Teacher Shortage in Portugal: Fenprof Raises Alarm as Schools Reopen

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  • Fenprof warns of a critical teacher shortage as schools reopen.

  • Existing teachers may face increased workloads due to lack of new hires.

  • Government plans include a 'subsidy' for relocated teachers and extraordinary recruitment.

  • Fenprof demands better remuneration for teachers to cover additional costs.

  • All permanent teaching positions should be filled by qualified professionals.

Teachers Return Amidst Crisis

Teachers are heading back to schools this Monday at 11 AM, with Fenprof (National Federation of Teachers) marking the occasion at Escola Secundária José Gomes Ferreira in Lisbon. They are set to share their concerns for the 2024/2025 school year, which is expected to continue facing severe teacher shortages. The federation criticizes the government's lack of ambitious solutions to this ongoing problem.

Overburdened Staff

Fenprof highlights that in some schools, the response to the lack of teachers may involve overburdening existing staff, many of whom are already showing signs of fatigue. They emphasize that this year will not only involve attempts to implement the Plan + Classes + Success (as per DL 51/2024) but will also require the recovery of teachers' service time and the integration of thousands of new students, including many from immigrant families. This situation necessitates increased effort and additional resources, particularly human resources.

Government Measures

On September 22, the government announced two measures aimed at attracting teachers to areas with shortages. These include a proposed 'subsidy' for teachers relocated from their area of residence and an extraordinary recruitment process for existing vacancies in schools and specific subjects. However, Fenprof asserts that these measures need to undergo collective negotiation, as previously indicated by the government.

Fenprof's Stance

Regarding the proposed subsidy, Fenprof insists that:

  • All teachers relocated from their residence should receive a remuneration supplement to cover increased travel and housing costs. They question the rationale behind imposing a distance of over 70 kilometers for subsidy eligibility and whether this is measured in a straight line or by road. Furthermore, they demand clarity on the supplement's amount, as the proposed €100 subsidy for a teacher located 100 kilometers away is significantly lower than their actual expenses.
  • On the matter of teacher recruitment, Fenprof argues that all permanent positions should be filled by qualified teachers. However, the ongoing issue remains that there are not enough teachers to fill all available positions, leading to a lack of candidates. They await details on the extraordinary recruitment process, insisting that it must adhere to professional qualifications.



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