Daring Prison Break: Organized Escape from Vale de Judeus Unveiled
Sapo 241 week ago

Daring Prison Break: Organized Escape from Vale de Judeus Unveiled

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  • Five inmates escaped from Vale de Judeus prison, with the incident recorded by surveillance cameras.

  • The escape was detected 40 minutes later, raising questions about prison security.

  • Director-General Rui Abrunhosa calls for accountability and acknowledges a guard shortage issue.

  • The escape was organized by a complex criminal organization with financial backing.

  • Authorities urge the public to avoid contact with the escapees, who are considered dangerous.

Key Details of the Escape

Manuel Vieira, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Internal Security System (SSI), stated that police and customs control centers were immediately informed about the fugitives. He expressed confidence in the national and international information flow, emphasizing the complexity of the ongoing investigation and the impossibility of quick results.

Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves, Director-General of Reintegration and Prison Services, acknowledged that something went wrong during the escape of the five inmates. He confirmed that the escape was recorded by surveillance systems at 09:56, but was not detected until 40 minutes later when the inmates returned to their cells.

The Director-General criticized the Execution of Sentences Court for transferring an Argentine inmate to Vale de Judeus against their professional advice, implying this might have contributed to the escape. He noted a shortage of prison guards, although the number present on the day (33) was slightly above the recommended level.

Investigation and Background

Luís Neves, the National Director of the Judicial Police (PJ), highlighted that the escape was organized from outside by a highly complex criminal organization with substantial financial resources. The investigation aims to uncover the details behind the escape, which was meticulously planned.

The escaped individuals include two Portuguese, a Georgian, an Argentinian, and a British citizen, all aged between 33 and 61, with sentences ranging from seven to twenty-five years for crimes such as drug trafficking, robbery, and money laundering. Neves warned that these individuals are capable of violent actions to evade capture and urged the public to avoid contact with them.

Authorities' Response

During a press conference in Lisbon, authorities emphasized the cooperation among security forces, which was previously unthinkable. The escape occurred on a Saturday, a day without inmate work or school activities, allowing for the escape plan to unfold more smoothly. The authorities have initiated an internal inquiry and are coordinating international police efforts to recapture the escapees.

According to preliminary assessments, the escape was facilitated by external help, including the use of a ladder to scale the prison wall. The Internal Security System has activated international police cooperation for their capture, and an internal investigation by the Service of Audit and Inspection is underway, led by the Public Prosecutor's Office.



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