Environmental Group Zero Calls for Ban on Night Flights in Portugal
Rtp Notícias3 weeks ago

Environmental Group Zero Calls for Ban on Night Flights in Portugal

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  • Zero demands an end to flights between midnight and 5 AM starting next summer.

  • In the last two weeks, there were 115 unauthorized night flights.

  • The association links night flights to health issues for nearby residents.

  • Heavy fines are proposed for violators of night flight regulations.

  • Similar restrictions are already in place in Paris.

Zero Advocates for Night Flight Ban

Zero, the environmental association, is pushing for a ban on flights between midnight and 5 AM starting next summer. They express concern over the systematic violations of night flight limits, citing that in the last two weeks alone, there were 115 more flights than legally permitted.

Acácio Pires, a representative of Zero, aims to implement measures similar to those in Paris, where such restrictions are already in place.

Health Impacts

The association highlights the health consequences for residents living near airports and advocates for heavy fines for violations. They stress that the disturbances caused by night flights significantly affect the sleep quality of thousands of residents in areas such as Lisbon, Loures, Vila Franca de Xira, and Almada.

Zero hopes that authorities will take action to enforce a ban on flights during the hours when sleep is most profound, as this is crucial for public health and well-being.

Zero's Campaign



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