Health Minister Advocates Comprehensive Solutions Beyond Hospital Closures in Portugal
Diário De Notícias1 month ago

Health Minister Advocates Comprehensive Solutions Beyond Hospital Closures in Portugal

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  • Health Minister emphasizes solutions beyond closures for hospital services.

  • Focus on retaining healthcare teams within the National Health Service (SNS).

  • Technical committee's recommendations will guide decisions on service changes.

  • Need for dialogue with local authorities confirmed amid upcoming elections.

  • Reforms in the SNS are essential as only 40% of obstetricians are currently serving.

Health Minister's Insights on Hospital Services

The Health Minister, Ana Paula Martins, addressed the media on Monday regarding the future of hospital services in Portugal. She emphasized that solutions to prevent service closures do not rely solely on "closures or consolidations".

"Believe me, these measures do not exclusively focus on closures or consolidations, which are often more appealing in media terms," Martins stated at the Prelada Hospital in Porto.

Importance of Retaining Healthcare Teams

Martins highlighted the necessity of implementing various measures to ensure that healthcare teams are motivated to stay within the National Health Service (SNS). However, she refrained from providing specific details about these measures.

Following Technical Committee Recommendations

When directly asked about the potential closure of some emergency services to concentrate them in Lisbon, a plan already suggested by the SNS Executive Director for maternal and child health services, Martins expressed her willingness to follow the recommendations of the technical committee established by the government.

"I will consider what the technical committee deems necessary for the well-being of mothers and children, always with the crucial support of the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, and the collaboration of healthcare professionals," she affirmed.

Engaging Local Authorities

Martins confirmed the need for dialogue with local authorities, especially if service concentration in Lisbon leads to the closure of certain units, particularly with upcoming local elections in 2025. She stated, "We must involve local authorities from the very beginning, as these measures will not be implemented without consulting intermunicipal committees, which are now part of the Local Health Units."

Emphasizing Communication and Collaboration

According to the Minister, there has always been a willingness from local authorities for collaboration, citing past meetings and recent transfers of competencies from the Central Administration.

Timing for Reforms

Regarding the timing of necessary reforms in the SNS, Martins acknowledged that it is the best moment to act, especially given that only 40% of obstetricians are currently serving in the system.

"This is the moment to find the best solutions with serenity, common sense, prudence, and the involvement of all stakeholders, including the population," she stressed.

Commitment to Effective Measures

Martins reiterated the importance of implementing measures that are well-received, ensuring dialogue with professional orders and unions. "Sometimes, we have the best intentions and see certain measures positively, but later find they are not effective in practice. That’s why dialogue is essential," she concluded.

New Clinical Care Center Opening

This morning, the Minister attended the opening of the Clinical Care Center (CAC) at the hospital, which will cater to patients with lower urgency from the hospitals of São João, Santo António, and the SNS24 line.



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