Immigrant Youth Find Jobs Faster in Portugal: 5 Months vs. 11 for Locals
Público2 months ago

Immigrant Youth Find Jobs Faster in Portugal: 5 Months vs. 11 for Locals

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  • Immigrant youth in Portugal find jobs in five months on average, compared to 11 months for Portuguese youth.

  • 18.5% of unemployed youth registered with job centers in Portugal are immigrants.

  • Immigrants are filling gaps in less desirable and more precarious sectors, highlighting their value to the labor market.

  • This trend demonstrates the adaptability and resilience of immigrant youth in integrating into a new labor market.

  • Further research is needed to understand the long-term impact of these trends and address potential challenges facing immigrant youth.

Immigrant Youth Outpace Locals in Finding Jobs in Portugal

A recent study by the Observatory of Youth Employment in Portugal reveals a surprising trend: immigrant youth are finding jobs faster than their Portuguese counterparts. While the average young person in Portugal takes 11 months to secure employment, immigrant youth are landing jobs in just five months.

This trend is particularly notable considering that 18.5% of the 51,636 unemployed youth registered with job centers in the second quarter of last year were immigrants. Despite facing potential challenges in integrating into a new labor market, immigrant youth are proving to be a valuable asset, filling critical gaps in less desirable and more precarious sectors.

This rapid integration is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of immigrant youth. It also highlights the potential economic benefits of embracing diversity and fostering inclusive labor markets.

However, it's important to note that this data is based on the second quarter of 2023. Further research is needed to understand the long-term impact of these trends and address potential challenges facing immigrant youth in the Portuguese job market.



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