Leonor Beleza Declares She Will Not Run for President of Portugal
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Leonor Beleza Declares She Will Not Run for President of Portugal

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  • Leonor Beleza confirms she will not run for President of Portugal.

  • She expresses no desire or feeling of indispensability for the role.

  • Hopes for a younger woman to become President in the future.

  • Initially considered a candidate by Hugo Soares but has now rejected the notion.

Leonor Beleza's Clear Stance on Presidential Candidacy

In response to a question from the University of Summer's newspaper of the PSD, Leonor Beleza has firmly stated that she will not be a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic.

"This is a great opportunity for me to clarify a matter that I neither provoked nor would provoke. I was very touched by the words I heard. But my position is simple: no, thank you, I am not considering nor will I consider such a candidacy. I feel no impulse in that direction and do not see myself as indispensable for it," stated Beleza.

She expressed hope for a younger woman to take on the presidential role, saying, "But I still hope to see a woman younger than me become President of the Republic." It’s worth noting that she is approximately the same age as the current president, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Initially, Beleza was mentioned as a potential candidate by Hugo Soares, but she has now dismissed that idea.



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