Luís Montenegro Calls for Unity Among Parties on State Budget Discussion
Sapo 242 weeks ago

Luís Montenegro Calls for Unity Among Parties on State Budget Discussion

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  • Montenegro urges political parties to fulfill their responsibilities regarding the State Budget.

  • Accuses PS of distracting the public with minor details about the budget.

  • Promises more information to opposition parties than previous governments provided.

  • Commits to serious dialogue with all political forces.

  • PS raises concerns about the government's good faith in budget negotiations.

Montenegro's Call for Responsibility

Luís Montenegro, the President of PSD and Prime Minister, expressed his hope that all political parties will take their responsibilities seriously and cease the "distractions with details" regarding the State Budget. He emphasized that Portuguese citizens are not interested in petty disputes over the budget but rather in seeing real solutions to pressing issues.

Accusations Against PS

Today, Montenegro accused the Socialist Party (PS) of seeking pretexts to distract the public with minor details about the State Budget. He assured that the current government will provide more information to opposition parties than previous socialist governments did.

"Honestly, creating excuses to distract people with details... the Portuguese do not want any tantrums," stated Montenegro, speaking to reporters after voting in Espinho for the party leadership election, in which he is the sole candidate.

Commitment to Serious Dialogue

Montenegro further emphasized the government's commitment to serious and honest dialogue with all political forces. He reiterated that this dialogue would always involve sharing information to allow opposition parties the necessary conditions to reflect and propose their ideas.

Concerns from the Socialist Party

In response, the PS criticized the government for lacking good faith in negotiations regarding the 2025 State Budget (OE2025), citing the failure to provide essential information and expressing concerns over the government's ability to maintain budgetary balance.

Montenegro's remarks were made during the party's direct elections, where he is the only candidate.



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