Madeira Wildfire Under Control: Latest Updates and Ongoing Vigilance
Diário De Notícias Madeira3 weeks ago

Madeira Wildfire Under Control: Latest Updates and Ongoing Vigilance

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  • Wildfire in Madeira controlled after 12 days of efforts.

  • No active fire spots, but some hot spots remain.

  • Vigilance continues to prevent reignition.

  • Rainfall in high areas reduces fire risks.

  • Over 5,045 hectares burned, with no reported injuries.

Madeira Wildfire Update

The wildfire that ignited on the island of Madeira 12 days ago is now reported as controlled and in the recovery phase. According to the Civil Protection, there are no active fire spots, although some hot spots remain.

Despite the situation being under control, the fire is not yet considered extinguished. António Nunes, the regional commander of Civil Protection, emphasized the importance of maintaining vigilance on the ground to prevent any possible reignition.

Currently, rain is falling in the high areas, which reduces the likelihood of the fire reigniting. However, there is always an element of unpredictability with wildfires, necessitating constant monitoring.

The rural fire, which started on August 14 in the mountainous areas of Ribeira Brava, progressively spread to the municipalities of Câmara de Lobos, Ponta do Sol, and Santana. As of this morning, on the 11th day of the incident, the regional Civil Protection confirmed that operations are ongoing to manage hot spots.

In precautionary measures, authorities had advised nearly 200 residents to evacuate their homes and provided public accommodation facilities. However, many residents have begun returning as the situation stabilizes.

The firefighting efforts faced challenges due to high winds and elevated temperatures. Fortunately, the Regional Government reported no injuries or destruction of essential public infrastructure, although some small agricultural productions and forested areas were affected.

According to the European Forest Fire Information System, over 5,045 hectares have been burned. The Judicial Police is investigating the cause of the fire, with President Miguel Albuquerque suggesting it may have been arson.



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