Massive Cocaine Bust in Leiria: 3.6 Tons Seized and Three Arrested
Região De Leiria•3 weeks ago•

Massive Cocaine Bust in Leiria: 3.6 Tons Seized and Three Arrested

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  • 3.6 tons of cocaine seized in Leiria during PJ operation

  • Three Portuguese suspects arrested for drug trafficking

  • Cocaine hidden in a container of soybean flour from Latin America

  • Total of 6.5 tons of cocaine confiscated in ongoing investigations

  • Operation 'Tartarus' targets transnational drug trafficking networks

Major Drug Operation in Leiria

The Judiciary Police (PJ) has made significant strides in combating drug trafficking this week, detaining three Portuguese suspects linked to a transnational criminal organization involved in smuggling large quantities of cocaine into Europe.

In a coordinated effort led by the Central Department of Investigation and Penal Action, and with support from the Tax Authority, approximately 3,600 kilograms of cocaine were seized from a warehouse on the outskirts of Leiria. This cocaine had arrived just days earlier via maritime transport, hidden within a container of soybean flour from a Latin American country.

Previous Seizures and Operations

This recent seizure adds to a previous operation in June where 2,952 kilograms of cocaine were confiscated from a warehouse in the Lisbon region. This previous shipment was concealed within a container of tropical fruit imported legally by a company unaware of the criminal activities.

During the operation, dubbed 'Tartarus', various high-end vehicles and documents of evidential interest were also seized. In total, over 6.5 tons of cocaine have been confiscated, which could have produced approximately 65 million individual doses had it entered the illicit distribution circuits. Notably, the PJ confirmed that Portugal was not the final destination for the seized cocaine.

Arrests Made to Prevent Further Trafficking

In a press conference held at the PJ headquarters in Lisbon, Artur Vaz, director of the National Unit for Combating Drug Trafficking, emphasized the significance of this operation against a transnational trafficking network. The investigation began in late May when two owners of an import/export business and a driver with a criminal record were identified as key figures in the trafficking scheme.

The PJ acted swiftly to prevent these suspects from fleeing with the newly arrived 3.6 tons of cocaine from Paraguay, leading to their arrest on Wednesday.

This operation showcases the ongoing efforts of the Judiciary Police to dismantle drug trafficking networks threatening Europe.



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