Menzies Workers Strike at Airports: 50% Participation Without Flight Cancellations weeks ago

Menzies Workers Strike at Airports: 50% Participation Without Flight Cancellations

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  • 50% participation in Menzies workers' strike without any flight cancellations.

  • Union expresses concern over employees' satisfaction with current conditions.

  • Strike is in protest against low wages and frequent schedule changes.

  • Menzies claims no significant impact on operations despite the strike.

  • Union does not expect the company to fulfill demands due to perceived employee contentment.

Overview of the Strike

The Menzies workers at airports staged a strike today, achieving a 50% participation rate, yet surprisingly, no flights were canceled. The union expressed concern that employees seemed satisfied with their current conditions, stating they were in a state of 'calm conscience'.

Union Comments

Catarina Silva from the Transport Workers Union of Portugal (STTAMP) commented, "Those of us who work here daily usually have no time to even use the restroom; it's typically chaotic. Today, however, it is very calm, with around 50% of staff absent, while the remaining 50% are covering for them."

Reasons for the Strike

The strike is a two-day protest against low wages and frequent schedule changes, as per a notice released by the STTAMP union.

Company Response

In response, Menzies Portugal reported that, as of noon, the strike's participation was low and had no significant impact on operations. They confirmed that there were no flight cancellations, and operations continued smoothly at all airports.

Insights on Participation

Union leaders noted that most non-participants were those earning below the minimum wage. They don't anticipate the company will address their demands, considering that half of the workforce appeared content with their conditions.

Additional Information

Catarina Silva mentioned that many employees took time off and returned early to work. The company is also providing snacks for those who chose not to join the strike. However, she cautioned that the situation could evolve later in the day as new shifts begin.

Possible Future Developments

"The assembly was held, and explanations were provided. For now, the workers show satisfaction. This could change later, though, as more staff will arrive for their shifts. The union feels fully at ease; if they didn’t participate, it’s a sign of contentment," she concluded.

Official Alerts

ANA — Airports of Portugal had previously warned of potential flight cancellations due to the strike by Menzies handling workers at national airports. The airport manager is awaiting further responses regarding the situation.



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