MPT Proposes New Airport for Madeira to Combat Flight Cancellations
Diário De Notícias Madeira1 month ago

MPT Proposes New Airport for Madeira to Combat Flight Cancellations

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  • MPT advocates for a second runway or alternative airport in Madeira to solve ongoing flight issues.

  • Over 60 flights canceled in three days due to strong winds, stranding 5,000 passengers.

  • Economic losses from airport disruptions could exceed €30 million in a month.

  • Proposals include high-precision weather monitoring to reduce cancellations by 40%.

  • A second runway could decrease cancellations by 70%, justifying the investment.

MPT's Vision for Madeira's Air Travel

The Movimento Partido da Terra (MPT) advocates for the construction of a second runway or an alternative airport in less wind-exposed areas to address the ongoing issues with the Madeira International Airport - Cristiano Ronaldo.

This proposal is one of four solutions presented by the party in a recent press release.

Addressing Frequent Flight Disruptions

The MPT argues that the airport has repeatedly faced crises that could have been avoided with better management from the Regional Government. Citing a recent episode in August 2024, over 60 flights were canceled in just three days due to strong winds, stranding around 5,000 passengers without adequate support. The MPT highlights that this annual disruption not only tarnishes Madeira's reputation as a tourist destination but also incurs significant financial losses for the regional economy. Economic studies suggest that each day of airport operations halted can cost the region between €1.5 to €2 million, leading to potential losses exceeding €30 million in just one month of adverse winds.

Long-Term Effects on Tourism

The party warns that the long-term impact on Madeira's image is alarming. Continuous cancellations are shaking tourists' confidence, resulting in a decline in bookings. A recent study indicates that a mere 5% drop in tourist demand could lead to a loss of up to €10 million in annual revenues.

Proposals to Mitigate Disruptions

To mitigate these issues, the MPT proposes:

  1. The implementation of high-precision meteorological monitoring systems tailored to Madeira's specific conditions, which could help reduce current cancellations by up to 40%.
  2. Emergency agreements with hotels and transport providers, alongside reserve funds to support stranded passengers, potentially reducing the financial impact of such incidents by 60%.
  3. The construction of a second runway or alternative airport, which could decrease cancellations by 70% and enhance the island's connectivity. While this solution is more costly, the long-term returns from avoided losses justify the investment.
  4. The introduction of fast maritime transport as an alternative to air travel, which could lessen the economic impact during airport disruptions by up to 25%.

With these proposals, the MPT aims to protect both the interests of the local population and the influx of tourists, ensuring a more stable and reliable travel experience in Madeira.



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