Pedro Nuno Santos Proposes Abstention for PS on State Budget Vote: What It Means for Portugal's Political Landscape
Sapo 247 hours ago

Pedro Nuno Santos Proposes Abstention for PS on State Budget Vote: What It Means for Portugal's Political Landscape

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  • Pedro Nuno Santos proposes abstention for the PS on the State Budget vote.

  • Santos emphasizes the need for a strong opposition to protect democracy.

  • He argues against any agreements with the PSD, opposing a central block.

  • The PS demands include IRS Jovem and IRC, seen as ineffective measures.

  • Santos assures the PS is united on this complex issue.

Pedro Nuno Santos, the Secretary-General of the Socialist Party (PS), announced the party's position regarding the State Budget during a conference in Lisbon. He emphasized the importance of a strong opposition for democracy, stating, “I assumed that the PS would lead the opposition after the most recent elections.” He expressed his dissent against potential agreements with the Social Democratic Party (PSD), arguing against any form of a central block unless democracy is at stake.

Santos defended the PS's usual stance of voting against the State Budget, maintaining that “we should not have the two main parties committed to the same governance.” He outlined the party's demands, including IRS Jovem and IRC, labeling them as costly and ineffective measures.

He explained that the proposal for abstention in the final vote is to avoid causing public account imbalances. Santos noted that the PS's reasons for this decision are not due to the merit of the proposed budget, which faces firm opposition from the party.

The announcement, initially planned for Monday, was moved up to today, with Santos stating, “I am not impulsive.” He assured that the PS is united in this complex issue that required consultation within the party.

Santos has previously criticized the proposed budget as being unsatisfactory and called for party unity. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Luís Montenegro commented on the confusion among EU counterparts regarding the ongoing negotiations for the State Budget in Portugal. The PSD is set to meet at a Congress this weekend, although uncertainties remain about the budget's approval.



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