Portugal Successfully Eradicates Trioza erytreae Pest in Alentejo and Algarve
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Portugal Successfully Eradicates Trioza erytreae Pest in Alentejo and Algarve

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  • DGAV announces the eradication of Trioza erytreae in Alentejo and Algarve.

  • Success confirmed through Order No. 40/G/2024 after over two years of absence.

  • Control measures included intensive biological control using Tamarixia dryi.

  • Trioza erytreae is a vector for the dangerous citrus greening disease.

  • Updated maps and lists for demarcated areas now available.

Eradication of Trioza erytreae

The General Directorate of Food and Veterinary Medicine (DGAV) has announced the successful eradication of the quarantine pest Trioza erytreae Del Guercio in the regions of Alentejo and Algarve. This milestone was confirmed through Order No. 40/G/2024, following over two years of absence of both the pest and its associated symptoms in the designated areas.

Effective Control Measures

According to DGAV, this decision was based on the results from the national monitoring program for Trioza erytreae, which verified the effectiveness of pest control measures. Notably, the intensive use of biological control methods, particularly with the parasitoid Tamarixia dryi, played a crucial role in this success.

Threat to Citrus Plants

Trioza erytreae serves as a vector for the quarantine bacteria Candidatus liberibacter spp., responsible for one of the most serious diseases affecting citrus plants, known as citrus greening, or huanglongbing.

Updated Demarcation Zones

Order No. 40/G/2024 also includes an updated map and list of the demarcated areas for Trioza erytreae, encompassing both the infested regions and a buffer zone.

Trioza erytreae



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