Portugal's Summer of Overtourism: A Local's Struggle Amid Record Tourism
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Portugal's Summer of Overtourism: A Local's Struggle Amid Record Tourism

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  • 5,000 visitors daily queuing at Pena Palace creates chaos for locals.

  • Global tourism is expected to exceed 2019 records by 2%.

  • Local residents face challenges like skyrocketing housing prices and lack of essential services.

  • Sintra's government is implementing measures, but locals demand better communication and prioritization.

  • Experts suggest focusing on crowd management rather than labeling it as overtourism.

The Struggles of Sintra Residents

The unique doorbell of Martinho de Almada Pimentel's house, a long rope that rings a bell on his rooftop, symbolizes his desire for privacy in a summer overwhelmed by overtourism. Visitors to Casa do Cipreste in Cintra create chaos, with 5,000 tourists a day queuing to reach the historic Pena Palace. Pimentel expresses frustration, stating, "Now I'm more isolated than during COVID. Now I try to (not) go out. What I feel is: angry."

The Impact of Overtourism

As global tourism is set to break records in 2024, locals like Pimentel face the consequences. The surge in travel, fueled by revenge travel, digital nomads, and golden visas, has led to increased housing prices and overwhelmed infrastructure. Matthew Bedell, another resident, highlights the real issues, arguing that lack of access to essential services is not merely a rich person’s problem.

The Statistics of Tourism Growth

Predictions from the United Nations indicate that tourism will exceed pre-pandemic levels by 2%, with 285 million international travelers recorded in the first quarter of 2024. The World Travel & Tourism Council projects a $11.1 trillion impact on the global economy, with 330 million jobs reliant on this sector.

Local Challenges and Responses

Sintra's local government is attempting to manage the chaos by investing in parking lots and youth housing. However, residents express dissatisfaction with the measures. QSintra, a local association, advocates for improved communication and prioritization of residents' needs over tourist influx.

The Dilemma of Managing Tourism

Experts argue that the term overtourism is outdated, asserting that the focus should be on crowd management rather than the tourists themselves. As tourism dynamics shift rapidly, local leaders face increasing pressure to implement effective strategies.

Tourists queue to catch a shuttle bus from Pena Palace

Tuk-tuks at Pena Palace



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