Resilience in the Face of Destruction: Madeira's Community Unites After Devastating Wildfire
Diário De Notícias Madeira4 weeks ago

Resilience in the Face of Destruction: Madeira's Community Unites After Devastating Wildfire

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  • Over 5,000 hectares burned in Madeira's Serra de Água due to wildfire.

  • Residents determined to look forward despite the devastation.

  • Maria Domingas Pestana recalls the pain of losing her agricultural land.

  • Community efforts helped combat the fire, saving homes and livestock.

  • Residents face challenges with contaminated water and ongoing cleanup.

In Serra de Água, where a rural fire ignited on the 14th, burning over 5,000 hectares in Madeira, the landscape has turned black, yet the community is determined to "look forward" after the turmoil. Maria Domingas Pestana, 77, recalls how her agricultural land was devastated, stating, "It’s a pain" as she surveys the charred hillside behind her home.

The fire, which originated in Serra de Água in the municipality of Ribeira Brava, spread to three other municipalities before being controlled over the weekend. Maria shares her terrifying experience, having evacuated to her niece's house in Funchal during the chaos.

She reflects on the dangerous conditions, stating, "If my neighbor hadn’t helped, my house would have burned down." Currently, her focus is on cleaning the ash that has infiltrated her home, and the water from the source has become contaminated, forcing residents to rely on bottled water provided by the Casa do Povo.

Álvaro Faria, another local, recalls the struggle to supply water to combat the flames, highlighting how the lack of resources almost led to further destruction. He mentions saving a calf using 50-liter buckets of water during the crisis.

As the community faces the aftermath, Encarnação Gouveia expresses her sorrow at the once green landscape now reduced to ashes, stating, "It’s a profound sadness" to witness such destruction. Cláudia Amaral, who spends her summers in Serra de Água, finds the sight of the burnt land particularly devastating as an expatriate, lamenting, "It’s horrible to return and see this blackness."

Despite the fire being controlled, anxiety remains high among residents, with Cláudia noting, "Nobody can sleep" due to the lingering fear of flames returning. Yet, there is a collective hope that the land will recover, and they will replant as they look to the future.

As of now, the Civil Protection has reported that the fire is under control, with efforts ongoing to manage the hot spots. Approximately 200 people were evacuated as a precaution, although many have returned home. The community's spirit shines through as they unite to rebuild and recover from this disaster.



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