SATA and Travel Agencies Unite to Tackle Store Closures Impact
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SATA and Travel Agencies Unite to Tackle Store Closures Impact

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  • SATA and APAVT are creating a joint action plan to mitigate the impact of store closures.

  • Services from SATA stores will transition to the Integrated Citizen Support Network (RIAC).

  • APAVT criticized the lack of communication regarding the store closures and questioned ticket sales by a public entity.

  • SATA's reorganization will focus on airport counters and a contact center for customer service.

  • The Azores Government's president indicated that the implementation of ticket sales by RIAC may face challenges.

Collaborative Action Plan to Address Store Closures

The Portuguese Association of Travel Agencies and Tourism (APAVT) and SATA have announced a joint action plan aimed at minimizing the impact of recent store closures. In a recent statement, APAVT revealed that discussions between SATA's president and APAVT's president focused on the challenges arising from these closures and potential solutions.

The two organizations agreed to devise a plan within fifteen days that seeks to optimize cooperation between SATA and travel agencies under APAVT, honoring their longstanding collaborative spirit.

Transition of Services

On Wednesday, SATA's president, Rui Coutinho, indicated that the services previously offered at SATA stores would now be transferred to the Integrated Citizen Support Network (RIAC), with the protocol already signed.

The following day, APAVT expressed surprise at what they termed the “unusual and incomprehensible decision” to close SATA's customer service counters, pledging to investigate the legality of ticket sales by a public entity. They criticized SATA's decision to close service counters on various Azorean islands, citing a lack of consideration for customers who were left uninformed and a lack of dialogue with key partners in the travel sector.

APAVT questioned why ticket sales were being handed over to a public organization, noting that RIAC's legal responsibilities do not cover the sale of tickets and reservations in transportation, which is meant to be handled by registered travel agencies.

Reorganization Details

Earlier in July, SATA announced a reorganization of its service model, shifting ticket sales, reservations, and information services to airport counters and a contact center, effective August 1. This move is part of a broader plan aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the company in the medium to long term.

On Monday, the President of the Azores Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, suggested that the ticket sales by RIAC might not be fully realized across all islands, emphasizing the importance of private economic initiatives and his commitment to monitoring the situation to ensure quality service for the populace.



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