Shocking Costs of Higher Education in Portugal: Students Spend €900 Monthly on Living Expenses
Público1 month ago

Shocking Costs of Higher Education in Portugal: Students Spend €900 Monthly on Living Expenses

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  • €903.90 is the average monthly expense for higher education students in Portugal.

  • 84% of expenses go toward living costs, mainly housing, food, and transportation.

  • Older and working students average €1,269 in monthly costs, while scholarship students average €518.

  • Housing represents 33.5% of total expenses, with students in Lisbon needing €363 for housing.

  • Only 9% of students live in student residences, highlighting a significant housing crisis.

The Monthly Cost of Higher Education

On average, students in higher education in Portugal need €903.90 every month to cover their expenses. The primary costs include housing, food, and transportation. This information comes from a study conducted by Iscte, as part of the Eurostudent VIII Project, which surveyed over 10,000 students online.

Breakdown of Living Expenses

The cost of living is the main contributor to student expenses, encompassing nine categories: housing, food, transport, communication, health, childcare, debt repayments (excluding amortizations), social leisure activities, and other common expenses. Students spend an average of €762 per month, which constitutes over 84% of their total expenses.

Age and employment status significantly influence monthly expenses. Older students or those who work more hours report higher costs, averaging €1,269, while scholarship students spend about €518 monthly.

Housing Costs

Unsurprisingly, housing is the highest expense, accounting for 33.5% of monthly costs. On average, students need €300 for housing, which increases to €363 for those studying in Lisbon.

Living Arrangements

The living situation among students is quite diverse. Almost 49.3% live with their parents or relatives, although this number has decreased since the last survey. The highest percentage of students living with parents is among those under 21 years old (55.3%), particularly in Lisbon (56.2%).

Scholarships Insufficient for Real Costs

João Machado, a member of the National Youth Council, notes that the focus has shifted from tuition fees to the broader expenses of higher education. He emphasizes that social support, particularly scholarships, fails to cover the actual costs of attending university, which could jeopardize its role as a social elevator.

The Housing Crisis

Only 9% of surveyed students live in student residences, where they enjoy lower housing costs averaging €213 per month. However, recent reports reveal that only 32% of the housing needs for displaced students are met, with around 35,000 beds available for 110,000 students.

Despite the government’s announcement of 709 additional beds in youth hostels, many students find this insufficient. Conditions in these hostels often do not meet students' needs, lacking kitchens and accommodating multiple occupants.

Increasing Challenges

Academic federations have raised concerns about housing costs, with many students facing extreme challenges, including waking up as early as 5 AM for classes. The lack of specific solutions has forced many to consider dropping out of higher education, particularly affecting those from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

Financial Dependency

A consistent finding from the survey is the reliance on family as the main source of income, with 96.3% of respondents depending on an average monthly contribution of €898.4. The educational background of parents also significantly influences the financial support students receive, highlighting disparities in resources based on family education levels.



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