Suspects Identified in Madeira Wildfire Linked to Fireworks Mishap
Público3 weeks ago

Suspects Identified in Madeira Wildfire Linked to Fireworks Mishap

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  • Fireworks during a festival linked to a wildfire in Madeira.

  • Two suspects identified by Judiciary Police, one charged, the other fled to Switzerland.

  • 5,104.1 hectares burned, prompting international firefighting assistance.

  • Madeiran petrel's nesting area endangered by the blaze.

  • 35 families displaced; concerns over landslides after autumn rains.

Wildfire Origin

The recent wildfire in Madeira, which ravaged for nearly two weeks, is believed to have been sparked by the launching of fireworks during a festival in the Serra de Água parish, Ribeira Brava. Despite being authorized, the use of these pyrotechnics occurred amid high temperatures and a yellow weather alert.

Investigation and Suspects

The Judiciary Police have identified two suspects, one of whom has been formally charged while the other has fled to Switzerland. The wildfire devastated 5,104.1 hectares, as reported by the European Forest Fire Information System (Copernicus). Miguel Albuquerque, the Regional Government President, has long suspected the fire's origin to be criminal rather than accidental, describing it as a recurring issue on the island.

Firefighting Efforts

The blaze ignited on August 14, reaching remote and challenging areas for firefighters. Initially, the Regional Government declined external assistance, despite the fire spreading to neighboring municipalities. Eventually, they requested aid from the European Civil Protection Mechanism, which sent two Canadair planes from Málaga to assist in firefighting efforts.

Challenges Faced

The firefighting planes faced operational limitations, being based in Porto Santo, which added time to their missions. They could carry 6,000 liters of water but required refueling after each drop. Before the arrival of the Canadair, nearly 80 members of the Special Fire Brigade had already been deployed to the region.

Environmental Impact

According to Albuquerque, much of the burned area consisted of shrubs like acacias and eucalyptus, while the core of the laurisilva forest remained untouched. However, the fire endangered the nesting area of the Madeiran petrel, a seabird at risk of extinction. The Institute of Forests and Nature Conservation reported minimal damage to residual areas of the laurisilva forest, affirming its integrity as a UNESCO natural heritage site.

Community Impact

The wildfire forced the relocation of approximately 35 families (around 100 people) and resulted in the destruction of pastures, posing a risk of landslides during the upcoming autumn rains. The Ponta do Sol Municipality has urged the Regional Government to intervene in the affected slopes to prevent landslides.



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