Unveiling the Hidden Stories: Portugal's Colonial Legacy Through Personal Photographs
The Guardian3 weeks ago

Unveiling the Hidden Stories: Portugal's Colonial Legacy Through Personal Photographs

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  • The exhibition Family Albums: Photographs of the African Diaspora showcases personal stories of Portuguese families of African descent.

  • Curated by Filipa Vicente, the project encourages families to share their own photographic narratives.

  • Featuring over 35 families, the exhibition highlights intimate moments from their lives since 1975.

  • The exhibition is located in the Padrão dos Descobrimentos, a monument reflecting Portugal's colonial past.

  • It aims to address the ongoing discussions about reparations and the visibility of Africa's diaspora in Portugal.

Exhibition Highlights the African Diaspora's Personal Narratives

Family Albums: Photographs of the African Diaspora is a poignant exhibition showcasing the personal stories of Portuguese families of African descent. This exhibition is a counter-narrative to the colonial imagery that often dehumanizes subjects. Historian Filipa Vicente curated the project, encouraging families to share their own photographs, which serve as a powerful form of self-representation.

A Collaborative Effort

The exhibition features over 35 families and their intimate moments, from pregnancies to wedding parties, reflecting the diverse experiences of the African diaspora in Lisbon since 1975, when Portugal's former colonies gained independence. Inocência Mata, a co-curator, emphasizes the importance of showing Black individuals as subjects of their own history, rather than mere objects in colonial narratives.

Personal Connections to History

Participants like Chalo Correia, originally from Angola, found the exhibition a way to highlight the often invisible community of African descent in Portugal. He expressed how the photographs resonated with him, stating, "I was in tears. I felt I understood everyone who was in those photos, even if I didn’t know them."

Reflecting on Portugal's Colonial Past

The exhibition is located in the Padrão dos Descobrimentos, a monument originally designed to celebrate Portugal’s empire. Vicente and Mata view this as an opportunity to reinterpret the monument's meaning by showcasing the stories of those affected by its colonial history. This comes at a time when Portugal is grappling with its colonial past and discussions around reparations for slavery and colonial crimes are ongoing.

An Exhibition with a Purpose

The exhibition, running until November 30, 2024, is not just about the past; it aims to shed light on the present-day realities of the African community in Portugal. Mata asserts, "Black people have been part of the construction; they’ve been building this country. And is it time that they have their voice?"



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