Urgent Health Services Closure Threatens Women's and Children's Wellbeing in Portugal
Jornal De Notícias3 weeks ago

Urgent Health Services Closure Threatens Women's and Children's Wellbeing in Portugal

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  • 12 emergency units closed today and 15 more tomorrow in Portugal

  • PpDM expresses deep concern over closures of gynecological, obstetric, and pediatric services

  • Closures increase risks for pregnant women and families needing urgent care

  • Healthcare inequalities exacerbated for socioeconomically vulnerable populations

  • PpDM demands immediate government action to restore emergency services

Critical Situation in Emergency Healthcare

Access to hospital emergency services this weekend is severely impacted, with 12 emergency units closed today and 15 more scheduled to close tomorrow, according to the latest data from the National Health Service (SNS).

Concerns Raised by Women’s Rights Platform

The Portuguese Platform for Women's Rights (PpDM) expressed deep concern over the recent and consecutive closures of gynecological, obstetric, and pediatric emergency services across various regions of the country. They highlighted that the lack of specialized emergency services is an unacceptable setback to fundamental rights, particularly regarding sexual, reproductive, and pediatric health.

Impact on Vulnerable Populations

These closures force pregnant women and families to travel long distances for urgent gynecological care, voluntary pregnancy terminations, and diagnostic tests, increasing the risk of serious complications that could have been avoided with timely medical responses. The PpDM noted that this situation exacerbates healthcare inequalities, particularly affecting women and families in socioeconomic vulnerability, for whom long travel distances represent a significant financial burden.

Institutional Violence Against Women

The NGO described these service closures as a form of institutional violence against women and criticized the inconsistency with the government’s public concern regarding the demographic crisis faced by the country.

Call to Action

The PpDM has demanded that the government and health authorities provide an immediate and effective response to reopen and maintain these emergency services by urgently hiring professionals and making adequate investments in the SNS.



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