Why More Portuguese Are Opting for Staycations This Summer
The Portugal News2 months ago

Why More Portuguese Are Opting for Staycations This Summer

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  • 55% of Portuguese opted for staycations due to financial reasons.

  • Only 37% plan to travel abroad, exceeding pre-pandemic figures.

  • Average holiday spending is 1,005.57 euros, indicating a rise in expenditure.

  • Accommodation costs are projected to be over 450 euros.

The latest Observador Cetelem report reveals a significant trend among Portuguese holidaymakers: more than half chose to stay within the country during their summer vacations due to financial constraints. This survey, conducted by the commercial brand of BNP Paribas Personal Finance, showed that 55% of respondents selected Portugal as their holiday destination primarily for economic reasons, while 28% cited it matched their preferred holiday type.

Key Insights from the Survey

  • Attractiveness of Destination: For 32%, the allure of destinations abroad influenced their choice, while 30% desired a specific holiday type, and 29% considered the costs involved.
  • Spending Habits: On holiday expenses, 49% plan to use a credit card, a decline from previous years (58% in 2021 and 64% in 2022), yet still 10% higher than in 2020. The average expenditure during holidays is projected at 1,005.57 euros, with 1 in 4 intending to spend more than last year, specifically 54 euros more than 2022, although it's 347 euros less than in 2019.
  • Accommodation Costs: Portuguese travelers are expected to allocate more than 450 euros on accommodation alone.

Despite the inclination towards local vacations, 37% still plan to travel abroad, which surpasses pre-pandemic figures of 30% in 2019. This trend indicates a shift in holiday preferences reflecting both economic factors and personal choices.



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